Came across some photos from other photographers, travelers, street artists etc., around the globe where some vex / vexedart stickers have appeared in their shots. Thought it would fun to share few below and see how our paths have directly or indirectly crossed. Each picture will link directly to the website, blog, or photo sharing site the image is from. So please click around and explore their work too. Will be sprinkling in a few of my own captures into the mix too.
If you have spotted any stickers around your area of the world and would like to share, you can send over a link via the Contact page.
gingrpotamus - Flicker : Canada
Stephen Kelly - Flicker : UK
The Dusty Rebel - Website : USA
Twenty something redhead - Tumbler : Germany
vexedart : South Korea
@hellothmushroom - Twitter - Norway
nekosogi-japan - Flicker : Japan
vexedart : South Korea
solo.xplorer - Instagram : Germany
depone - Flicker : UK
vexedart - USA
hellimli - Flicker - UK
Guerrilla marketing - Website : USA
WINDSONG - Blogspot -UK
jasonpetersprod - Instagram : USA
vulgar vanity - Website : USA
Sean Worrall - Website : UK
J-Visualz - Website : Canada
Scholastic Book Clubs - Facebook : ?
evolution now - Blogspot : USA
Trux Photo : Flicker - France
ganref - Website : Japan
vexedart : South Korea
Ðнвер Джапаров - vatet : Germany
Jibli - Blog : South Korea
vexedart : South Korea